Watching birds is a lot more fun when you know what you're looking at. Here's a collection of our best birdwatching tips to make things more fun for you ...and the birds!Our top birdwatching tips is to use a systematic method for observing birds. A systematic method will build your...
How To Watch Birds
About the Author
Joy Thurlow
Hi, I'm Joy Thurlow. Watching birds in the back yard is a favorite hobby of mine. My mission with Joy of Birdwatching is to share (accurate) information about birds, birding and useful products to help everyone connect with nature and enjoy the birds while we still have them. Thanks for reading!
All Topics
- Attract Wild Birds1
- Best Bird Feeders For…1
- Binoculars1
- Bird Bath Basics3
- Bird Baths1
- Birdy Quirks5
- Camera (Smart Bird Feeders3
- Cardinals2
- Feeding Birds5
- For Beginners1
- Heating A Bird Bath1
- How To Watch Birds1
- Hummingbirds1
- Identifying Birds1
- Kids & Birds2
- Orioles2
- Popular Topics4
- Problem Birds1
- Reviews9
- Reviews7
- Squirrel-proofing7
- Tools & Gear1
- What to Feed Birds1